Dating Advice for Women

You may need dating advice for women if you are just starting to date, whether you are young, recently widowed or divorced, or just having trouble finding the right dates. Women are often centered on the needs of others. Instead, they need to find a balance between trying to do things for the other person and finding their own strengths.

Doing for Him

Make yourself physically attractive for him, as much as possible. Men do not usually care whether you have the latest designer dress, but they are excited to see you wearing a dress that suits you and gives you a feminine, sexy appearance. Put on makeup and make sure your hair is clean and styled. Whether he says so or not, he will be aware of your effort on some level.

Talk about his interests. If he is interested in a sport or hobby that you do not understand, ask questions to help you get an idea of what he likes about it. You may not share the interest, but if you are interested in him, you will naturally want to understand what makes him happy. This dating advice for women will help you later in the dating relationship as well.

Let him tell you about his work. He may be excited, frustrated, or just plain bored with his work. The fact is that work holds a very important place in the lives of most men. Allow him to vent or tell you about his successes. However, stop short of giving him career advice. Until you know him well, you will help him more by being a sounding board for his own ideas.

Finding Your Strengths

Self confidence in a woman is a big turn on for any emotionally healthy male. You can find confidence within yourself by listing your positive traits. List the things you do well, the beautiful aspects of your physical appearance, and the positive emotions you have every day. Make the list for yourself, but remember your answers if the date becomes uncomfortable for some reason. You will not need to be rescued from a failing date; you can save the day and yourself in the process.

Talk to your friends and ask them what they like about you. They are your friends after all, so they should have some positive comments to make. You might be surprised to learn that you are considered to be a caring person, or an intelligent person, or a helpful person. Find out what others are saying about you. Take in the positive, and ignore criticisms which are unhelpful.

Explore new interests and activities on your own. It is not enough to be interested in what your date likes; to be a real, exciting person, you need some compelling interests of your own. Take every opportunity to increase your involvement with the world. You will become more interesting, while at the same time you will learn to be happier and enjoy life more.

Dating advice for women need not be complicated or highly technical. The two main things to remember are these: care for yourself and care for your date. When you spend the time to improve your relationships with others and increase your own interests, men will find you more fascinating than ever before.

Shawn Hickman is the owner of SEO Pros an Orlando Internet Marketing agency . To get more information dating including an dating advice for men, dating advice for women, and first date tips, visit an online dating directory.

Post Author: Dating Genesis

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